Guidelines for authors

Editorial policy

Submission of a paper for publication in Estudios Internacionales implies that the content is original and has not been submitted for publication in any other medium. Contributions are received in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

Submission of articles


Articles should be sent through the Portal of Academic Journals of the University of Chile. To do so, it will be necessary to register and log in both to submit the manuscript and to subsequently check its status. Any questions should be directed to the contacts indicated in the section About the Journal.

Papers should be sent through the Portal in two formats: one of them, in PDF format without indicating the author's name, nor mentioning funding projects, nor any other identification or commentary (exception: if the author quotes himself or herself in the article, he or she must not hide such quotes); and the other in Word format, duly identifying all that is necessary (authors, funding projects, etc). Both documents must follow the same rules of style. Both versions must have page numbers.

In a separate document, the author must attach a brief curriculum vitae in no more than one page. The city of residence and country must be indicated in the file. 

Altogether, the authors must upload three files to the system, with all the data requested by the system.

Submission Preparation Checklist

  • The submission is not an essay, but a scientific, empirical or theoretical research work, which contributes to the literature of the specialty.
  • Bibliographic references for the submission should be at least 50% from leading journals.
  • The submission has not been previously published or previously sent to another Journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the editor).
  • The text has simple line spacing; font Times New Roman, size is 12 points; italics are used instead of underlined (except URLs); and all the illustrations, figures and tables are within the text in their rightful.
  • Web addresses have been added for references where possible.
  • The text meets all the bibliographical and style requirements indicated in the Authors Guidelines.

General requirements

Papers must be no longer than 10,000 words and must include an abstract in Spanish and English, and five key words in Spanish and English.

The first page of the document (Word format) will contain the title of the article in capital letters, followed by its translation into Spanish (or English, as the case may be) written in capital letters and italics, and the full name of the author(s). A footnote will indicate: profession, academic degrees, institutional affiliation or place of work, institutional e-mail address, and ORCID number.

Acknowledgements or identifications of research funding projects will be noted in a footnote to the title.

If the manuscript corresponds to -or is derived from- a previous work, such as an undergraduate, master's, or doctoral thesis, this should be expressly indicated in a footnote. In case the paper has been presented as a summary at a congress or has any antecedent, this must be specified with the corresponding citation.

The paragraphs of the article shall be adjusted without indentation and duly separated.

The body of the article as well as its footnotes and bibliography shall be in Times New Roman font and presented with justified margins. The body of the article will be size 12 and the footnotes will be size 10.

Publishing process

See Publications Policies.

Bibliographic references

Estudios Internacionales follows the standards of the American Psychological Association (APA) 6th edition. The text quotations will follow the structure of (Author, year). Subsequently, all bibliographical references shall be listed at the end of the article, in alphabetical order by author or title, as appropriate.


  • Books (one author):

Lyotard, Jean-François (1994), La condición posmoderna, Madrid : Cátedra, pp. 9-11.

  • Books (institutional author)

Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales. (2011). Africa subsahariana : sistema capitalista y relaciones internacionales. Buenos Aires: CLAC, pp. 293-311.

  • Books (three authors):

Aranda, Gilberto C., López, Miguel Angel, Salinas, Sergio. (2009). Del regreso del Inca a Sendero Luminoso: violencia y política mesiánica en Per. Santiago: RIL, pp. 101-113.

  • Books (title):

The Oxford handbook of international relations. (2008). Oxford: Oxford  University Press, p. 8 

  • Thesis:

Hamann, Patrick. (2013).  La Unión Europea y el cambio climático: la iniciación del comercio de derechos de emisiones como sistema de gobernanza de múltiples niveles. (Tesis magister en estudios internacionales) Universidad de Chile, pp. 68-83.

  • Print articles:

Kenworthy, Lane (2012),”It’s hard to make it in America”, Foreign Affairs, vol. 91 , n° 6. November-December, pp. 97-109.

  • Electronic articles:

Barry, Brian. (1975). “Political accomodation and consociational democracy” [version electronica] British Journal of Political Science, Vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 477-505. Recuperado el 20 de junio de 2013 de

  • Chapters of a book:

Sartori, Giovanni (1997), “Chance, luck and stubborbess”, en Daalder, Hans (ed.), Comparative European Politics. The Story of a Profession, Londres : Pinter, pp. 93-100

  • Electronic resources:

Chile. Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores.(s.f.). Misión chilena en la Organización Mundial de Comercio. Recuperado el 20 de junio de 2013 de


Footnotes at the bottom of the page should be indicated in consecutive numerical order, in superindex, and only for explanatory notes. They should not include bibliographical reference; this reference, should be cited at the end of the paper

Verbatim quotations in the body of the article shall be included as follows:

  • If the quotation is less than five lines long it shall be included in the text in quotation marks.
  • If the quotation is longer than five lines it shall  be included in a separate   paragraph, preceded by colon and with left indentation (without quotation marks).

To indicate the reference to which the quotation belongs or to draw attention in the text regarding a reference,  author’s family name  in brackets shall be inserted, followed by a comma, year of publication of the book and after a colon the page or pages of the quotation (optional). For example: (Schneider, 1993:38). Full title of the reference shall be included at the end of the text, as indicated in the paragraph of Bibliographical References in these Guidelines.


Inclusive language rules for submission

Estudios Internacionales promotes the use of inclusive language in terms of the tendency to provide equitable treatment to all human groups. This may have particular relevance concerning gender and minorities. For gender, neutral or inclusive language must be used when necessary. Any text that could be offensive must be replaced.


Conflicts of interest

Authors must declare any personal, governmental, institutional, or commercial relationship that could constitute a conflict of interest or that could bias their work. This should be done by adding a note at the end of the manuscript detailing potential conflicts of interest. Otherwise, the authors must explicitly declare the absence of a conflict of interest.


Data exchanges and reproducibility

Estudios Internacionales encourages authors to make available the data that supports the results published in their articles. Data that may compromise the privacy, security and dignity of the subjects or institutions involved, or that cannot be made public for legal or ethical reasons, must be excluded. We encourage the sharing of research data. This includes, for example, quantitative data and statistical analyzes collected for research, qualitative analysis data and processes, self-created images and figures, and interviews that are anonymized or with informed consent for public availability, among others.

For the public provision of this data, the use of data repositories with long-term preservation of files and the use of persistent identifiers is recommended. Some examples of data storage portals and environments are, Open Science Framework (OSF) or other data repositories specialized in specific topics. In this sense, we encourage authors to direct from their document the location of the processed or raw data, through a DOI or a persistent URL, in the final approved version of their writing, after peer review. Likewise, we encourage that said data be available under open licenses so that they can be reused.

Although data sharing is not imperative in our journal, we reserve the right to request confidential access to any primary data necessary to verify the results.

Authors will be required to properly cite any research data in their reference list.


Other comments

Any word or words in a language different from that of the article shall be written in italics. Boldface is to be avoided.

Abbreviations and acronyms should if possible be avoided and shall never be used in titles or synopsis (for example, United States and United Nations should always replace USA or UN). In the case of acronyms, the first time they are used they should appear in brackets, preceded by the full name they refer to, and shall be written without separating points.

Diagrams, tables and graphs must support the ideas expressed in the text and be explicitly referred to in it.. They should otherwise be presented clearly and in detail and be appropriately inserted in the text. They should ideally be submitted in Microsoft Excel format.

Declaration of authorship roles is required according to the CRediT taxonomy, which must be done in a note at the end of the manuscript.