Paradox on cooperation for drug fighting Mexico – United States. “Bicentennial Agreement”



The present study sets out a theoretical proposal for the concept of securitization-desecuritization, based on the Mexican case. It summarizes the debate on militarism and militarization and examines the use of the military in combatting the international trafficking of illegal drugs. Empirically, by using mainly press sources, it describes the nodal points in the desecuritization for drug fighting by President Lopez Obrador. It also describes the Mexico-United States Bicentennial Framework, revealing the pressure applied by the United States in the interests of rebuil­ding the channels of cooperation in security. Finally, it explains the contradictions inherent to “desecuritization” efforts which require the institutional support of the military establishment of the Mexican state under the watchful gaze of the United States Government. It concludes that, based on the Mexican case, it is possible to desecuritize in theory, while reinforcing militarism in practice.


desecuritization, drugs, United States, Mexico, militarism

Author Biographies

Luis Miguel Morales Gámez, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

Investigador (Instituto de Ciencias de Gobierno y Desarrollo Estratégico), Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla.

César Alarcón Gil, Consultor Independiente.

Consultor Independiente.


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