“Hay gobierno, soy contra”. The cycle of oppositions in Latin America



With the 2022 elections of Gustavo Petro in Colombia and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in Brazil, the analysis of the return of the pink tide to Latin America has suddenly spread. This paper argues that, actually, the region presents a cycle of oppositions, with governments of different colors alternating since the end of the left turn in the 2010s. To substantiate this point, the article presents data on the alternations and the difficulties of the presidents in maintaining an approval rate higher than the disapproval rate from the beginning of their term. The analysis shows that negative perceptions about the country’s current economic situation and the ability to combat the Covid-19 pandemic are the factors that weigh the most in the government’s assessment. Political polarization and exposure to social networks also take their toll, since there is evidence that ideological alignment conditions opinion and that users of social networks are more critical of the government. Everything described suggests that, whatever the ideological color of who is in power, there will be difficulties in maintaining themselves as such.


Elections, Presidentialism, Democracy, Oppositions, Latin America

Author Biographies

João Carlos Amoroso Botelho, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Profesor asociado del Departamento de Ciencia Política de la Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Doctor en Ciencia Política, Universidad de Salamanca, España.

Miguel Ángel López Varas, Universidad de Chile

Investigador asociado del Núcleo Milenio para el Estudio de la Política, Opinion Pública y Medios en Chile (MEPOP) y profesor asociado del Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Chile. Doctor en Ciencia Política, University of Essex, Inglaterra.


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