Hegemonic discourses and the US security policy in the Western Hemisphere after the Cold War. Its implications and consequences for Latin America



The new international agenda, greater complexity in the interactions, and the more heterogeneous universe of actors are decisive in the new security semantic edges, the debates, and prisms, emerged from the theory of International Relations. The purpose of this study is to analyze the connections between the protagonism that North American academic and political-institutional circles conferred on security imperatives, the designs and hegemonic discourses of the US after the Cold War and to examine how these debates and political designs materialized in the sphere of bilateral relations with Latin America. The article shows how the priorities and key mechanisms of US security policy in Latin America have changed since the end of the Cold War and until 2022. It concludes that despite the transformation of the approaches of several American administrations to this region, Washington was trying to achieve the same goal: to impose its hegemony.


USA, Latin America, defense, security, cooperation

Author Biographies

José Luis Neila Hernández, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Doctor en Historia Contemporánea y Catedrático de Universidad del Departamento de Historia Contemporánea, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Ekaterina Kosevich, HSE University

Doctora en Ciencia Política y Profesora titular e investigadora titular del Laboratorio Internacional de Estudios del Orden Mundial y el Nuevo Regionalismo de la Universidad Nacional de Investigación “Escuela Superior de Economía” (HSE University, Moscú, Rusia).


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