The search for international autonomy through the development of political thought



The objective of this paper is to analyze the epistemological bases of the Juche ideology as the axis of the foreign policy of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to achieve international autonomy. This theoretical-practical proposal has unique characteristics and emerges as an alternative to the knowledge produced from the West. It was established in a period dominated by the Cold War bipolar logic and gave support to the regime of Kim Il Sung, becoming today the main axis of foreign policy. We will approach how the idea of international autonomy is stressed by the notion of power and domination in the terms of Michel Foucault, addressing the development of this ideology, the main aspects of Juche and its implications for international studies.


North Korea, Political thought, International autonomy, Power

Author Biography

Pamela de Lourdes Mancilla Azargado, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Cientista Política con especialización en Relaciones Internacionales y Gobierno y Gerencia Pública de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Magíster en Estudios Internacionales y Doctora (c) en Estudios Americanos especialidad Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Investigadora en Núcleo de Estudios Asiáticos-IDEA-USACH.