Transformation of the food system in Chile. Land use change and international trade



Changes in international trade of agricultural crops and production —particularly in agricultural land use change by province and region— are analyzed for Chile. While total cropland has remained relatively stable between 1955 and 2017 in the country, the total area harvested with cereals has been reduced to almost half its original value, and the area harvested with fruits has grown almost four times. The main category of agricultural commodities exported by Chile are fruits and its derived products; in terms of imports the main categories are cereals, animal products and oil crops. The main destinations of agricultural exports are Northern America, Europe and Oriental Asia, while South America is the main origin of Chilean agricultural imports. In recent times, Chile imports close to 50 % of cereals and legumes eaten in the country, which could become a vulnerability in case of disruptions in the international food markets. The current COVID-19 crisis has presented itself as an important economic, social and food challenge; even though in recent decades hunger indicators in Chile, as well as in most countries in South America, have considerably decreased, the repercussions of the pandemic are a major challenge to these advances.


Land use change, International food trade, Food security, COVID-19, Food systems

Author Biography

Magdalena Jensen, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Candidata a Doctora en Geografía de la Universidad Católica de Chile. Máster en Medio Ambiente con especialidad en Desarrollo de la Universidad de Melbourne, Australia. Ingeniera Civil Industrial de la Universidad de Concepción, Chile. Investigadora y divulgadora científica para el Observatorio Latinoamericano para la Acción Climática (OLAC) y co-fundadora de Atedible (distinción GIST Tech-I de AAAS).


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