Latin America challenges and opportunities in cyber security in the face of the global context of cyber threats to national security and foreign policy



This research is based on the hypothesis that the Latin American region has serious deficiencies in the development of a national cybersecurity policy and in the construction of skills to face the risks and threats from cyberspace in dimensions that affect national security and foreign policy. In this way, the research has six parts, the first one presents the theoretical approaches of neorealism, constructivism and theory of war, and shows the links between the theories of international relations, national security and cybersecurity. The second section explains the process of securitization of the Internet in the last decade of the 20th century and the first decade of the 21st century. In the third part, the global cyber threat context is presented and its comparison with the situation in Latin America. Then, it analyzes the current state of cyber capabilities in the region, based on measurements as the Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI) and the National Cyber Security Index (NSCI), in order to make a comparative analyzes between Latin America and other regions of the world. The fifth part analyzes at the individual level the efforts of the Latin American countries in developing a national cybersecurity policy and building cyber capabilities based on the reports of the Organization of American States (OAS) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and it also analyzes with the indicators of the NCSI methodology. Finally, some brief conclusions are presented in which the areas of opportunity and improvement for the Latin American region in the construction of a cybersecurity policy and construction of cyber capabilities are highlighted.


Cybersecurity, National Security, Foreign Policy, Cyber Power

Author Biography

Juan Manuel Aguilar Antonio, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México

Candidato a Doctor por la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Egresado del curso Desarrollo de Políticas Cibernéticas del Centro William J. Perry (2019). Investigador del Colectivo de Análisis de Seguridad con Democracia (CASEDE AC) en México.


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