Trade, law and culture: an analysis of supranationality in international commerce



The paper studies the emergency of supranational organizations in international commerce, its legal nature and its effect in the trade of its member States, controlling by historical and cultural affinity between countries, which would facilitate legal, linguistic, symbolic and social codes, as well as social capital. Quantitative methodology is used, with a simple random sampling method, forming 189 dyads of States, with a non-experimental design of transversal temporality (year 2006). The results suggest that the effect of supranational organizations is heterogeneous and that the effect of the historical and cultural affinity varies for language, religion and former colonialism relations.


Regulation, Law, Supranational, Commerce, International

Author Biography

Marcelo Marzouka Devilat, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Abogado y Sociólogo de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Postítulos en Derecho Público Económico y en Cultura Árabe e Islámica, de la Universidad de Chile, y Diplomado en Negociación de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Profesor de Política y Cultura Arabe en el Instituto de Ciencia Política UC, y del Diplomado en Mediación en Conflictos Socioambientales del Centro UC de Políticas Públicas. Socio fundador de Invest Palestine, consultora basada en Santiago de Chile y Belén, que tiene como objetivo promover la inversión y el emprendimiento en los Territorios Palestinos Ocupados.