Dilemmas and contradictions of Brazilian South American policy under Lula da Silva administrations (2003-2010)


  • Esteban Actis Universidad Nacional de Rosario


The aim of the paper is to analyze the responses of Brazilian foreign policy during the administration of the President «Lula» da Silva (2003-2010) to the interaction of two new conditions in the framework of the South American policy. A particular political view on the regional integration and the expansion of the Brazilian multinationals in the neighborhood conditioned the Brazilian external options. The elected Government of the Workers Party (PT) in their attempt to advance regional integration, tried to reconcile both objectives. However, the emergence of certain disputes between foreign governments against Brazilian companies showed the character problematic and contradictory of the situation.


Brazil, regional solidarity, development, internationalization of capital, contradiction

Author Biography

Esteban Actis, Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Doctor en Relaciones Internacionales, profesor de la Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina. Becario postdoctoral del CONICET