It is important to promote synergy between migration and development, as to meet the requirement of a greater coherence of policies, a principle aimed at safeguarding other policies from interfering in the purpose of cooperation. Nevertheless, cooperation is also seen as a tool that can help to stop migratory flows. This global approach has promoted the control of borders and the incorporation of cooperation in migration strategies.
development, coherence, migrations, international cooperation, conditionality of the ODA
Author Biography
Nerea Azkona, Consultora independiente
Educadora social, antropóloga, máster en migraciones y conflictos (U. de Deusto), candidata a doctora por la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV / EHU)
Azkona, N. (2013). The concept of development in cooperation for development and migratory policies. Estudios Internacionales, 45(176), 73–96.