Axes and models in the current scenario of regional economic integration in Latin America


  • José Briceño Ruiz Universidad de Los Andes


This paper analyses the current scenario of regional economic integration in Latin America. Thus, we argue that a fragmentation of regional integration in three axes currently exists in Latin America: an open integration axis, a revisionist axis and an anti-systemic axis. In each of these axes, different models of regional integration have been adopted. By using Max Weber's idea on ideal types, we propose three models of regional integration: strategic regionalism, productive regionalism and social regionalism. In the paper, we examine interactions between the current axis and models of economic integration in Latin America.


economic integration, models, Latin America, ALBA, Mercosur, Pacific Alliance

Author Biography

José Briceño Ruiz, Universidad de Los Andes


Doctor en Ciencia Política del Instituto de Estudios Políticos de Aix-en-Provence, Francia. Profesor Asociado de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales de la Universidad de los Andes, Mérida, Venezuela.