El legado de Henry Kissinger : algunas implicancias de su gestión


  • Carlos E. Pérez Llana


A skilled tactician and stubborn strategist, Henry Kissinger knew how to abolish some diplomatic rigidities. His travels, his statements and his gestures marked an era to the extent that they broke with a very traditional and not very creative style. Our analysis of the Kissinger administration is built on a perspective that integrates the political, economic and military aspects. We think that Kissinger's central strategic concern was, at all times, the Soviet Union. All other aspects then occupied an instrumental role. The task that he assigned himself consisted in trying to restore the American position in the world and, basically, in front of the USSR.


Henry Kissinger, United States, Soviet Union, Foreign Policy, International System

Author Biography

Carlos E. Pérez Llana

Director del programa de postgrado de la Universidad de Belgrano, Buenos Aiores. Ex director para América Latina de la cancillería de la república argentina y ex profesor de la Universidad Católica de Buenos Aires.