El Grupo Andino en el proceso de integración latinoamericana


  • Carlos Díaz Alejandro


The birth of the Andean Group can be dated with the Bogota Declaration of August 1966. This declaration was signed by the presidents of Chile, Colombia and Venezuela, and by the representatives of those of Peru and Ecuador. In August 1967, Bolivia also signed the Declaration. The purpose of this paper is to describe and briefly evaluate the activities, plans and perspectives of the Andean Group, mainly focused from an economic point of view, such as its plan to accelerate the elimination and liberalization of trade and the creation of the Andean Development Corporation (CORFO Andina).


Integration, South America, Andean Group, International Economic Relations, CORFO Andina

Author Biography

Carlos Díaz Alejandro

Es nacido en La Habana, educado en Estados Unidos (M.I.T.). En 1959 trabajó en el Ministerio de Economía de Cuba. Actualmente es profesor asociado de economía en Ia Universidad de Minnnesota. Asesoró al Comité de los Nueve de la Alianza para el Progreso y fue profesor auxiliar en la Universidad de Yale entre los años 1961-65. Entre sus publicaciones está Exchange rate devaluation in a semi-industrialized economy : the experience of Argentina, 1955-1961, M.I.T. Press, 1965.