La comunicación política en América Latina : algunos de sus problemas


  • Alberto Ciria


The inherent difficulties in the process of tolerably democratic political communication are aggravated in the area by peculiar and decisive structural factors. The current situation in Latin America, not only with respect to political communication but also politics in general, does not seem very favorable for transformations to occur in the current scenario. Outside of a few governments with moderately democratic bases, the rest (the vast majority of countries) are affected by notable restrictions on freedom of information and the distribution of news, and more specifically those with political content. And while the problem of political communication in Latin America has a more political than technological character in terms of its eventual solutions, it also encounters material and technical difficulties that are almost insurmountable in the short term.


Political Communication, Mass Media, Latin America, Freedom of the press, Democracy

Author Biography

Alberto Ciria

Ha sido profesor de las Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, hasta 1966; con posterioridad fue profesor visitante de política latinoamericana en Estados Unidos: Universidad de California, Riverside; Universidad de Carolina del Norte, y Universidad de Rutgers. Al presente investiga el tema del peronismo en el poder, en Buenos Aires. Obras principales: Partidos y poder en la Argentina moderna, 1930-46, 1964 (segunda edición 1968); Montesquieu, 1967; Cambio y estancamiento en América Latina, 1967; Los reformistas, 1968; Sorel, 1968.