Mayo de 1968 : una revolución nueva e intransitiva


  • Luciano Martins


More than a year after the emergence of the so-called "May events", we will focus more on the nature of what happened in France, than on the why and how of the events in question. The paradigmatic importance of the events of May is not so much in the immediate social, political or economic causes that allowed their explosion but precisely in the social developments that they clearly revealed. It is the latter that allow an approach to the dynamics of social change in modern societies. Consequently, it is discussed here: first, the meaning of the protest and the quality of the new social agents that are expressing themselves through it; and then the change in the social roles of denial of conservation and the capacity for modification, measured in terms of power, of the protagonists of the May movement.


Events of May, May 1968, France, Social Movements, Social Protest

Author Biography

Luciano Martins

Ha sido jefe de investigación y profesor en el Instituto de Ciencias Sociáis de la Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro, y profesor contratado por la Cadeira de Sociología de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas en esa misma universidad. Actualmente es attaché de recherche en el Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, de París y profesor en el Institut des Hautes Etudes de l'Amerique Latine de la Universidad de París. Sus principales publicaciones incluyen Industrializacao, Burguesía nacional e desenvolvimento (Rio de Janeiro, 1968), Changement social en Amerique Latine: le reinversement des attentes (París, 1968), "Formacao do empresario industrial no Brasil", aparecido en Revista do Instituto de Ciencias Sociais, Río de Janeiro, Vol. III N° 1, 1966.