Los países del Pacífico Sur y el mar territorial


  • Sergio Teitelboim V.


The primary purpose of the extension of the territorial sea has been to preserve the ichthyologic riches, that is, a protectionist aim of the national resources. In Latin America, in the face of political and economic changes, technological advances, and political organizations, a broad channel has been opened in defense of their national assets. This collective conscience being formed to defend its basic wealth and national sovereignty in solidarity has had a practical expression in the united position favoring the extension of the territorial sea.


South Pacific, Territorial Sea, Declaration of Santiago, International Law, Continental Nationalism

Author Biography

Sergio Teitelboim V.

Abogado, profesor de derecho comercial y tributario de la Escuela de Comercialización de la Universidad de Chile. Es autor del Manual de legislación de industrias pesqueras (Editorial Jurídica, 1964, Santiago de Chile), Chile y la soberanía en el mar (Editorial Andrés Bello, 1966, Santiago de Chile}, Las fronteras ideológicas, una agresión sin barreras.