Estudio comparativo sobre zonas pesqueras en el mundo


  • Carin Oldfelt Investigadora asociada, Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile


During the last two decades, especially during the 1960s, various nations have extended their rights to fishing grounds. Nowadays, it can be considered an accepted custom for a coastal nation to extend its control over fishing areas beyond the limit of its territorial waters, and as such, this policy has acquired the authority of general rule of International Law. We analyze the different events that have been developing in most of the countries of America, Europe and the Asian countries of the Pacific Basin and that serve as an illustration of this expansive trend.


Fishing Grounds, International Law, Maritime Zones, Fishing Regulations, Territorial Sea

Author Biography

Carin Oldfelt, Investigadora asociada, Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile

Abogada y cientista política de la Universidad de Uppsala (Suecia), es investigadora-asociada del Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Chile, donde realiza estudios sobre los países del Pacifico Sur y su doctrina de los derechos del mar, en especial, en materia pesquera.