El equilibrio ecológico mundial y los países subdesarrollados


  • Helio Jaguaribe


This paper discusses the main thesis that has been developed by the Club of Rome (CoR) that maintains that, unless measures are taken in time, the effects of the exponential growth of the population and its consumption are accumulating pressure on resources and the limited capacity for self-regulation of the ecosystem will have as consequence a profound degradation of the material and cultural standard of humanity. An attempt is then made to indicate the main problem areas that comprise such affirmations and to comment on them. Finally, there is a discussion of the political aspects of this problem, particularly in view of the present international system and the situation of underdeveloped countries.


Club of Rome, International System, Demography, Ecosystem, Ecological Crisis

Author Biography

Helio Jaguaribe

Es autor de diversos libros, entre los cuales destacan Economie and political development, Harvard University Press, 1968, y La dependencia politico económica de América Latina, Siglo xxi, 1970, en colaboración con otros autores. Su último libro, Political development, está siendo impreso actualmente por Harper & Row. Jaguaribe fue profesor de las universidades de Harvard, Stanford y el MIT, y actualmente pertenece al Instituto de Pesquisas de Río de Janeiro.