El presidente de los Estados Unidos y la facultad para hacer la guerra


  • Julio Faúndez B. Profesor Investigador del Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile


The study of the power to wage war within the constitutional system of the United States is only one aspect of the broader problem that relates to the struggle between the President and Congress to expand their influence in the political leadership of the country. This work analyzes, from a constitutional point of view, the problem of the distribution of powers between the President and the Congress of the United States with respect to the power that each of these two organs of the federal government has to initiate a warlike confrontation, drive it and finish it. If we define the problem in a broad way, we can say that it is a matter of elucidating which is the competent body or bodies to make decisions regarding foreign policy.


United States, Constitutional Debate, Congress, Presidency, Foreign Policy

Author Biography

Julio Faúndez B., Profesor Investigador del Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile

Licenciado de la Escuela de Derecho de la Universidad Católica de Chile; miembro del Departamento de Derecho Internacional de  la misma Escuela. Master of Law: Escuela de Leyes, Universidad de Harvard. lnvestigador del lnstituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Chile desde marzo de 1968. Actualmente cursa estudios de postgrado en la Universidad de Harvard.