This paper describes and examines the main links that exist between the United States, the Soviet Union, and the People's Republic of China in the period 1970-1975. These diplomatic, commercial and political-military connections play a fundamental role in the new model of international relations that emerges after the end of the Vietnam war and at a stage in which the most obvious consequences of the energy crisis are beginning to affect the governments of the East and West, also affecting the economies of the countries located in the North and South of the planet. It is concluded that from the interaction of conflict and cooperation within the selected triangle will depend on the possibilities of further increase or decrease in the pace and content of the process of détente that is taking place in the international system as a whole.
United States, Soviet Union, People's Republic of China, Détente, International System
Author Biography
Walter Sánchez G., Universidad de Chile, Instituto de Estudios Internacionales
Investigador del Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Chile, Es coautor de La detente y e! sistema internacional, (Estudios Internacionales Nº 32).
Sánchez G., W. (1976). El triángulo Washington-Moscú-Pekín y el proceso de distensión internacional. Estudios Internacionales, 9(35), p. 65–117.