Ejércitos y política en América Latina


  • Abraham F. Lowenthal Council on Foreign Relations


Army officers rule in more than half of the Latin American countries; in most of the remainder, they are actively involved in politics. Why do the majority of the armed forces in Latin America participate in national political processes? The recent literature on the political role of the Latin American armed forces is extensive. The obvious differences between political activities and the impacts of armies in different countries have dissolved easy assumptions about the nature of their influence in Latin American politics. It is increasingly clear that armies participate in politics in different ways, and that there is no simple explanation for that. More importantly, it becomes clear that the approach of relating the characteristics of military institutions to the social context in which they operated provide the most promising ways to explain the various political roles played by Latin American officers.


Army, Armed Forces, Coup, Latin America, Military Regimes

Author Biography

Abraham F. Lowenthal, Council on Foreign Relations

Subdirector de estudios de Council on Foreign Relations de los EE.UU. y profesor de la escuela Woodrow Wilson de la Universidad de Princeton. Es autor de diversos estudios sobre América Latina, entre los más recientes de los cuales se encuentra el libro Continuity and change in contemporary Perú, del cual es editor.