Teorías de dependencia económica en el Caribe y Latinoamérica : un estudio comparativo


  • Norman Girvan


This essay investigates some contributions to the economic theory of development from Latin America and the English-speaking Caribbean, based on the concept of external dependency and the institutionalization of underdevelopment. It seeks to demonstrate that there is an underlying similarity in the methodology of the two schools of thought. This similarity derives from a common need to find an appropriate theoretical frame of reference for the interpretation and analysis of the economic process in both regions. It is often argued that the development of the "economic theory of dependency" is at heart a response to the dynamics of social and economic changes in both regions: however, it is truly a part of the process of changes themselves.


Dependency Theory, Economic Theory, Development Models, Latin America, English-speaking Caribbean

Author Biography

Norman Girvan

Profesor de la Universidad de West Indies en Jamaica, es autor de Foreign capital and economic underdevelopment in Jamaica (1972); The Caribbean bauxite industry (1967) y Copper in Chile : a study in conflict between corporate and national economy. Es colaborador de Estudios Internacionales, Durante 1972 fue profesor visitante de CEPLAN en donde desarrolló este trabajo.