Latin America has been losing relative weight in the EEC's external relations. The trade of developing countries and regions, concentrated in the export of primary products, has been trapped by two convergent processes: the weak relative growth of these exports and the greater competitive capacity and relative weight in them of those coming from industrialized countries. It is vital for the countries of the region to take into account the trends of the contemporary economy and to assume the fact that their relations with the EEC and the rest of the developed world will be more influenced by these trends than by ethical considerations incorporated in the policies of advanced countries. To do this, it is necessary to take advantage of the fact that the international economy presents a series of tendencies that are conducive to the deepening of the external ties of Latin America outside of the traditional frames.
International Economic Relations, European Economic Community, Latin America, Integration, Development
Author Biography
AIdo Ferrer
Ex ministro de economía argentino; ha sido consultor del CÍES. Ha publicado "La economía Argentina: etapas de su desarrollo y problemas actuales" (1968). Es coautor de "Dependencia político-económica de América Latina".
Ferrer, A. (1973). Relaciones económicas entre la Comunidad Económica Europea y América Latina. Estudios Internacionales, 6(24), p. 3–42.