Latin America's international economic relations have undergone substantial alterations during the 1970s. Two of the most notable were the accelerated increase in current account deficits in most of their countries and the significant changes in the financing of these deficits. This paper analyzes the origin, conditions and objectives of external financing in the 1970s, examines the peculiarities that distinguished both world markets in that decade, as well as the economic situation of the countries of the region in those aspects that more affect the ability to access external bank financing. Some of the central questions that are present in the early eighties are briefly outlined below. On these bases, some reflections are raised on the consequences, positive and negative, that the different alternatives could have for the countries of the region.
External Financing, Balance of Payments, Latin America, International Economic Relations, World Markets
Ffrench-Davis Muñoz, R. (1983). Deuda externa y balanza de pagos de América Latina : tendencias recientes y perspectivas. Estudios Internacionales, 16(62), p. 281–304.