Tendencias y perspectivas del estudio de las relaciones internacionales : tareas para América Latina


  • Gustavo Lagos Matus Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile


It is in the twentieth century that the study of International Relations acquired the characteristics of an academic discipline. As the scientific development of the discipline intensified, an intense debate was generated about its scope, emphasis and methodology. This resulted in the multiplicity of approaches to its study, of existing theories and of favored methods. Faced with this pluralism of orientations, the general trend seems to be to promote the complementarity of approaches as a way to enrich the discipline of International Relations. For its part, Latin America lacks an important and adequate endowment of education and research institutions that allow it to have the specialists and studies necessary for the formulation and conduct of its international policy. However, the current context seems highly conducive to undertaking a vast effort at the regional level in pursuit of a scientific development of the discipline.


Theory of International Relations, Latin America, Methodology, Research, Academy

Author Biography

Gustavo Lagos Matus, Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile

Ex ministro de justicia de Chile, es profesor del Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Chile.