The fundamental transformation that inter-American relations have undergone since the proclamation of the Alliance for Progress provides an opportunity, and perhaps a necessity, to reconsider the kind of ties that the United States wants to have with the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. It requires a re-evaluation of the traditional views of the United States about military, economic and political interests in the hemisphere. We maintain that the main effort of its policy towards the Latin American and Caribbean countries should be to ensure their active cooperation to help solve some of the central problems in foreign affairs, which will not be regional, but mainly global.
Inter-American Relations, United States, Latin America, Caribbean, Cooperation
Author Biographies
Abraham F. Lowenthal, Programa Latinoamericano del Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Director del Programa Latinoamericano del Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Autor de diversos libros sobre política latinoamericana.
Albert Fishlow, Concilium on International and Area Studies, Universidad de Yale
Profesor de economía y director de Concilium on International and Area Studies, de la Universidad de Yale. Autor de varios libros sobre economía internacional y latinoamericana.
Lowenthal, A. F., & Fishlow, A. (1980). Los nuevos intereses de los EE. UU. en el hemisferio occidental. Estudios Internacionales, 13(49), p. 54–69.