There are some decisive questions about the Transnational Corporation that cannot be understood, much less answered, without having a more realistic picture of the structure, functioning and transformations of contemporary capitalism. We argue that the most characteristic and important change that has occurred in recent decades is the internationalization of manufacturing production. This reorientation of the activities of transnational corporations represents the reorganization of the international economy and the emergence of a new international division of labor. The signs suggest that we may be moving towards the shaping of 21st century international specialization, with the industrial countries shifting into the service economy, and some of the Third World countries transforming (at least in part) into industrial economies.
Transnational Corporations, Capitalism, Transnational System, New International Division of Labor, International Economics
Author Biography
Osvaldo Sunkel
Autor de obras fundamentales sobre el desarrollo latinoamericano y sobre el proceso de transnacionalización a escala mundial.
Sunkel, O. (1986). Las empresas transnacionales en el capitalismo actual : algunos viejos y nuevos temas de reflexión. Estudios Internacionales, 19(74), p. 159–169.