Latin American thought has had a decisive influence on the emergence of ideas and institutions that currently serve as the basis for the efforts to establish a New International Economic Order. This paper attempts to tentatively point out some shortcomings and fallacies observed in the analysis of North-South relations, without limiting ourselves to the work carried out in this regard from Latin America, but with special reference to the peculiar - and of the countries in development - and to the fundamental contribution that Latin American thought should make once again to understand these problems.
New International Economic Order, North-South Relations, Latin America, Third World, Fallacies
Author Biography
Luciano Tomassini, Foro Latinoamericano
Secretario ejecutivo del Foro Latinoamericano. Autor de diversos trabajos en el campo de las relaciones internacionales de América Latina.
Tomassini, L. (1977). Falencias y falacias : notas sobre el estudio de las relaciones norte-sur. Estudios Internacionales, 10(40), p. 111–130.