The difficulty of the institutionalization of the study of International Relations resides in the multiplication of perspectives on which the field of this discipline can be defined as an area of research analysis. This multiplicity partly explains the institutional dispersion that characterizes its study. Therefore, it is useful to make an inventory of their perspectives and their implications: A first perspective is the set of approaches that can be grouped under the rubric of the international system; another refers to the analysis of the foreign policy of a State; a third is concerned with the interaction between internal and external policies; another is that of national integration; a fifth is military strategic thinking and the last is peace-related analysis.
Theory of International Relations, International System, Foreign Policy, Research, Brazil
Author Biography
Celso Lafer, Universidad de San Pablo
Profesor de la Universidad de San Pablo, es coautor de "Brasil y Argentina en las relaciones internacionales" y ha publicado diversos libros y artículos en este campo; recientemente completó un estudio sobre el Convenio In- ternacional del Café.
Lafer, C. (1978). El estudio de las relaciones intemacionales : necesidades y perspectivas. Estudios Internacionales, 11(43), p. 47–56.