Since the work of the United Nations began to develop an international regime for the exploration and exploitation of the mineral resources of the seabed located outside the national jurisdiction, a controversy arose regarding what are the rules of International Law applicable to that space and the way in which they affect the activity of the States that seek to make use of it. This paper examines the current state of International Law regarding the case of the seabed, and on this basis, the situation of a possible unilateral legislation on the matter is discussed. For this, it is necessary to focus on some features of the historical evolution of the law of the sea, the work of the United Nations and the scope of the unilateral legislation enacted in other matters.
Law of the Sea, Seabed, United Nations, Unilateral Legislation, International Law
Author Biography
Francisco Orrego Vicuña, Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile
Director del Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de 1a Universidad de Chile. Autor de numerosas obras sobre integración política y económica, derecho del mar y relaciones internacionales.
Orrego Vicuña, F. (1979). La legislación unilateral para la explotación de los fondos marinos : su incompatibilidad con el derecho internacional. Estudios Internacionales, 12(47), p. 275–292.