The transformation that the role of Latin America in the world economy is undergoing is well known to all, a transformation that should be fast and profound to respond to the needs of the current stage of Latin American development. It is essential that in the cooperation policies between the group of developed countries and the group of developing countries, both the common denominators to the entire Third World and the specific accents that correspond to the different situations and nuances between countries of the South are taken into account. It is perfectly possible to develop an international cooperation policy that takes account of similarities and peculiarities; But for this, it is necessary to start by explicitly taking into account the different needs that arise from different situations among developing countries, in order to build a unity that assimilates diversity.
Latin America, World Economy, Cooperation, North-South Relations, Development
Author Biography
Norberto González, CEPAL
Argentino. Secretario ejecutivo adjunto de CEPAL. Especialista y autor de importantes trabajos sobre comercio internacional e integración económica en América Latina.
González, N. (1979). Prioridades de América Latina en el diálogo norte-sur. Estudios Internacionales, 12(47), p. 258–274.