Europa y América Latina : ¿hacia un rol internacional complementario?


  • Francisco Orrego Vicuña Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile


Europe is in a process of searching for its own and autonomous role to renew its position in the international system. For its part, Latin America has developed politically as a mixture of Europe and the Third World; it has a dual character that has allowed it to become a kind of international middle class but also a certain degree of isolation. The underlying question is whether it is appropriate to think towards the future in a special relationship between Europe and Latin America, which, placing the emphasis on the community of Western values, allows the development of those forms of bonding that until now have never been stimulated, and on this basis, start the search for a complementary international role that allows both regions to break international deadlock.


Latin America, Europe, North-South Relations, International System, Democracy

Author Biography

Francisco Orrego Vicuña, Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile

Director del Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Chile.  Miembro del Comité Jurídico Interamericano y delegado ante la Conferencia sobre Derecho del Mar.  Autor de numerosas obras sobre derecho internacional.