La política de la administración Reagan hacia América Latina : un primer balance


  • José Miguel Insulza Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económica (CIDE), México


Fourteen months into the Ronald Reagan administration, the first global evaluations of an administration that promised, both internally and in foreign relations, to differ from previous governments are made. This paper supports the assertion that North American policy towards Latin America is inserted within a global context and, therefore, there is no specifically "regional" policy towards it. Then, the criteria based on which it is possible to determine priorities for certain countries, according to the new strategic perspective, are examined to verify how these criteria are applied in practice. Finally, the policy followed towards the priority areas or countries is summarized, determining to what extent it has been successful or not, in light of the strategic interests defined as vital for the United States.


United States, Foreign Policy, Ronald Reagan, Latin America, Regional and Global Policy

Author Biography

José Miguel Insulza, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económica (CIDE), México

Cientista Político.  Investigador del Instituto de Estudios de los Estados Unidos, del Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económica (CIDE), México.