There is a process of restructuring international politics shaped by the emergence, in the developed and the developing world, of nuclei of political presence that escape the narrow parameters of power, that is, those of confrontation or those of global condominium by part of the superpowers. The reduction of international politics to the terms of power is revealed as unnecessary, uncomfortable and ultimately counterproductive, both for Western Europe and the Third World. This paper comments on how the participation of Western Europeans in international restructuring is observed from Brazil, the role of Brazil in the international reorganization process, and the nature and perspectives of Brazil-Western Europe relations in this context of the international restructuring.
Brazil, Europe, International Power, North-South Relations, International Restructuring
Author Biography
Ronaldo Mota Sardenberg, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Brasil
Ministro consejero del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Brasil.
Sardenberg, R. M. (1983). Brasil-Europa y la reestructuración del poder internacional. Estudios Internacionales, 16(61), p. 47–57.