El Informe Brandt y el comercio de productos industrializados


  • Guillermo Perry FEDESARROLLO


The concrete recommendations of the Brandt Commission are generally focused on seeking greater growth in industrial exports from the South, without sufficiently addressing the problem of their composition and convenience or the role of transnational corporations. For this reason, its analysis and recommendations focus fundamentally on the problem of protectionism in the North and the required expansion of South-South trade. While the Commission's pragmatic approach may allow further progress in international negotiations in the short term, it is important that they are fully aware of the serious limitations of its approach and recommendations. In this paper a set of recommendations is presented, expanding in greater detail on the proposals that differ from those of the Commission.


Brandt Report, North-South Relations, GATT, International Trade, Industrialized Products

Author Biography

Guillermo Perry, FEDESARROLLO

Profesor de economía colombiano y miembro de FEDESARROLLO. Ex director del sistema nacional impositivo de Colombia.