The desirability of ensuring increasingly liberal access for manufacturing exports from developing countries to the markets of industrialized countries is one of the few points on which the proponents of the old and the new international economic order agree, at least in principle. This paper argues the opposite: that failure to recognize genuine conflicts of interest between rich and developing countries, and the consequent failure to negotiate an order that allows for viable economic coexistence, will lead to an economic environment of increasingly unstable international and poisoned political relations.
North-South Relations, International Trade, Socioeconomic Autonomy, Economic Coexistence, New International Economic Order
Author Biography
Wolfgang Hager, Universidad de Georgetown
Profesor Konrad Adenahuer en la Universidad de Georgetown, Washington
Hager, W. (1983). El comercio norte-sur y la autonomía socioeconómica : una fórmula de paz. Estudios Internacionales, 16(62), p. 232–246.