Latin America is a thriving economic reality, with a productive potential that has multiplied in the last 30 years and with a very dynamic rate of modernization. The international companies play a very important role in this process. Latin American countries have learned to negotiate better with foreign capital and to better balance their own interests. But not everything is brilliant in the current Latin American scene. The development trends of Latin America must be conceived within the framework of a growing internationalization of its economies. This leads us to consider the challenges the region will experience towards the end of the century. They pose some social problems, linked to overcoming poverty and creating jobs. We argue that Latin American countries must combine, in various ways, three great dynamic factors: the domestic market, the regional market, and the world market.
Latin America, Foreign Capital, Development, Transnational Companies, International Trade
Author Biography
Enrique V. Iglesias, CEPAL
Secretario ejecutivo de la CEPAL. Ex presidente del Banco Central de Uruguay. Actualmente secretario general de la Conferencia Mundial Sobre Fuentes Nuevas y Renovables de Energía.
Iglesias, E. V. (1981). Perspectivas del desarrollo de América Latina. Estudios Internacionales, 14(55), p. 311–321.