Estados Unidos y América Latina : cerrando una época en descomposición


  • María Regina Soares de Lima Instituto Universitario de Pesquisas, del Conjunto Universitario Candido Mendes, Río de Janeiro (IUPKRJ)
  • Mónica Hirst Centro de Pesquisa e Documentacáo, de la fundación Getulio Vargas, de Brasil (CPDOC)


The analysis of international relations in Latin America has been marked by the use of structural approaches. It is not a question of denying its validity; however it can often cover up or simplify complex realities. When we focus on specific situations in the relations of the United States with Latin America, we perceive the importance of deepening the examination of its internal mechanisms. This deepening means identifying the political motivations that guide the daily politics of North American hegemony. To try to account for this analysis proposal, the object of this work is defined as the study of North American foreign policy for Latin America in the Carter government. An attempt is made to perceive the internal process of formation of these policies once we choose to examine the relations between the United States and Latin America from the angle of the center of power.


United States, Latin America, Foreign Policy, Hegemony, Inter-American Relations

Author Biographies

María Regina Soares de Lima, Instituto Universitario de Pesquisas, del Conjunto Universitario Candido Mendes, Río de Janeiro (IUPKRJ)

Directora del Instituto Universitario de Pesquisas, del Conjunto Universitario Candido Mendes (Río de Janeiro) (IUPKRJ).

Mónica Hirst, Centro de Pesquisa e Documentacáo, de la fundación Getulio Vargas, de Brasil (CPDOC)

Investigadora del Centro de Pesquisa e Documentacáo, de la Fundación Getulio Vargas, de Brasil (CPDOC)