La política exterior de la Argentina post-Malvinas


  • Carlos E. Pérez Llana Universidad de Belgrano


It is now a common place to insist that nothing will be the same in post-Malvinas Argentina, but beyond this affirmation a collective reflection must be imposed that allows to operationalize the new ideas that should give viability to the Constitutional Republic. External affairs will constitute one of the most important aspects of the suggested reflection. The country seems to have become aware that international relations constitute too important a dimension to be delegated to men who lack a realistic, comprehensive and mature vision of the international system. In this paper, it is argued that the permanent maximization of national autonomy should constitute the objective of a truly independent foreign policy and for that it is unavoidable to have up-to-date external frameworks and precise and operational political categories.


Argentina, Foreign Policy, International System, Autonomy, International Relations

Author Biography

Carlos E. Pérez Llana, Universidad de Belgrano

Director del Curso de Postgrado de Relaciones Internacionales, de la Universidad de Belgrano. Ex director de la Cancillería Argentina para América Latina.