Latin America is perhaps the region of the world that has historically placed the greatest hopes on regional cooperation and integration. However, in parallel to the major integration projects, the Latin American countries have also sometimes resorted to forms of political agreement of a more limited scope. Political coalition emerges as a new trend in regional cooperation that, without necessarily replacing previous models, can complement and improve them. In this work we will try to approach this phenomenon, describing some specific cases, specifying its general features and evaluating its potential.
Latin America, Models of Cooperation, Integration, Regional Systems, Political Coalition
Author Biography
Alberto Van Klaveren, Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile
Profesor y director adjunto del Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Chile.
Van Klaveren, A. (1984). Las nuevas formas de concertación política en América Latina. Estudios Internacionales, 17(68), p. 513–536.