All the information available up to December 1983 indicates that the Latin American Integration Association (ALADI) never took off, as well as that the buffering effect at the regional and national level on the economies of its member countries that individually and jointly suffer the consequences of the crisis current world has been null. These statements unfortunately refer to all the main aspects of the intraregional economic cooperation activities envisaged by the Montevideo Treaty, cooperation focused on trade, but never defined and based on partial actions that are not coordinated but supposedly convergent in the long term. And it is that in the attempt of an economic integration with the purpose of development and industrialization in the region, neither through ALALC nor ALADI has been able to establish a legal and institutional political infrastructure and the instruments congruent with their supposed medium and long-term objectives.
ALADI, Treaty of Montevideo, Latin America, Economic Integration, Development
Author Biography
Miguel S. Wionczek, El Colegio de México
Economista mexicano. Consejero de la publicación de comercio exterior Journal of Common Market Studies. Experto en asuntos de política tecnológica. Miembro del Colegio de México,
Wionczek, M. S. (1984). Las desventuras de la ALADI, 1980-1983. Estudios Internacionales, 17(68), p. 441–458.