La economía mundial en 1984 y sus perspectivas para el resto de los años ochenta


  • Miguel S. Wionczek El Colegio de México


This paper presents the current state and prospects of the world economy up to the end of the 1980s. The essay concentrates on the situation and prospects of the industrial market economy countries, in view of their weight in the international economy, of the widespread concern regarding the possibility of a new economic crisis in the United States and the deepening of the economic recession in the rest of the industrialized countries with the exception of Japan. We maintain that in such uncertain conditions it is particularly important to have a realistic view of what may happen in the Industrial North in the near future. Events in that part of the world economy will undoubtedly decide the economic future of the rest of the planet and, in particular, the future of the so-called peripheries.


World Economy, Industrialized Countries, United States, International Recession, Peripheral Economies

Author Biography

Miguel S. Wionczek, El Colegio de México

Economista mexicano. Consejero de las publicaciones Comercio Exterior y Journal of Common Market Studies. Experto en Asuntos de política tecnológica. Miembro del Colegio de México.