La crisis centroamericana : ¿tiene Europa Occidental un papel en ella?


  • Wolf Grabendorff IRELA


The sudden interest in Central American affairs that has arisen in Western Europe has diverse origins. These respond to conflicting goals of various national, transnational and multinational European actors. To solve the crisis, the US government seems to favor short-term solutions, while Western Europeans tend to accept some short-term instability in order to achieve long-term stability in the region. The crucial question about Western Europe's role in the region appears to be whether the European option offers enough incentives to be acceptable to a grand coalition of regional interest and, more importantly, whether Western Europe will be strong enough to attempt that “new order” internally and regionally in Central America.


Central American Crisis, Western Europe, United States, Hegemony, International System

Author Biography

Wolf Grabendorff, IRELA

Director del Instituto de Relaciones Europeo-Latinoamericanas (IRELA)