This paper addresses three aspects about the cardinal conflicts of our time and the position that Brazil assumes in relation to them: first, the main characteristics of current conflicts, which are due to multiple factors and show the most diverse characteristics, and that are conditioned by a double polarization: the East-West, on the one hand, and the North-South, on the other. Second, the Brazilian national interest that forces this country, facing increasing international pressures orchestrated by the agencies that favor the interests of the central countries, to increase its internal and external margin of autonomy, proportionally reducing its international vulnerability and, thirdly , the position that is convenient for Brazil in the current international scenario.
Brazil, East-West Conflict, North-South Conflict, Foreign Policy, International System
Author Biography
Helio Jaguaribe, Instituto de Esudios Políticos y Sociales
Renombrado cientista político brasileño y director del Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Sociales.
Jaguaribe, H. (1985). Los conflictos cardinales de nuestro tiempo y la posición del Brasil. Estudios Internacionales, 18(71), p. 337–348.