América Latina y la tercera revolución industrial


  • Carlos Ominami CEPAL


We are currently witnessing a global transition towards a new technological paradigm based on micro-electronics and information, which replaces the previous paradigm structured around cheap oil and other energy-intensive materials. The opportunities that new technologies open up for developing countries are truly manifold. We argue that the configuration of a new industrial structure freed from the insufficiencies of the historical model requires the implementation of a coherent industrial policy. However, none of the countries in the region is in a position to face the challenges of technological modernization with any possibility of success, so an organization that follows the example of the European Economic Community proves essential.


Latin America, Third Industrial Revolution, Developing Countries, Technology, Cooperation

Author Biography

Carlos Ominami, CEPAL

Economista, doctor de Estado en economía de la Universidad de París. Investigador del Centre National de la Recherche Scientific (SNRS) y del Institut Francáis pour la Recherche et Developpement en Cooperation (ORSTOM). Destacado actualmente en el Programa de los Estudios Conjuntos de las Relaciones Internacionales (RIAL) en CEPAL.