Análisis comparado del sistema de partidos y las elecciones generales en Chile 1989


  • Hernán Gutiérrez B. Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile


The current Chilean process is an agreed and slow transition, characterized by the resurrection of the party system. In this paper, the framework prior to the presidential and parliamentary elections is presented and data from the 1989 plebiscite and mass polls are used to answer the question of how a party system will be projected after the authoritarian period. We maintain that the military regime polarized the political spectrum with the electoral system in place. Using various comparative graphs and tables, the electoral results are analyzed and it is concluded that since a binomial majority electoral system was adopted, the parliamentary representativeness was distorted, it was derived to a type of bipolar competition and that the structure of this system will depend on how the parties can fill the empty space of the center-right electorate.


Chile, Party System, Electoral System, Representativeness, Binomial System

Author Biography

Hernán Gutiérrez B., Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile

Doctor en economía de la Universidad de La Sorbonne, París.  Candidato a doctor en ciencias políticas de la Universidad de Georgetown, Estados Unidos.  Investigador asociado de FLACSO, Chile y profesor del Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Chile.