El papel de la Corte Internacional de Justicia y otros tribunales en el desarrollo del derecho de la delimitación marítima


  • Francisco Orrego Vicuña


This paper analyzes, considering some specific cases, the development of maritime delimitation law in which the International Court of Justice and other courts have played a major role, contributing to the consolidation of this legal process. In the first place, reference is made to the concepts of equity and equidistance, establishing that although the rules are uncertain, the process has meant that equity has begun to generate general norms. With respect to the legal title, we maintain that as the problem of its base has been clarified, distance has become its main expression. What has not yet been sufficiently clarified are the principles and criteria of maritime delimitation; However, there has been progress that has been influenced by the development of International Law.


International Law, Maritime Delimitation, International Court of Justice, Equity, Equidistance

Author Biography

Francisco Orrego Vicuña

Distinguido internacionalista chileno, ex director del Instituto de Estudios Interrnacionales de la Universidad de Chile y embajador de Chile en Londres.  Presidente del Consejo Chileno para las Relaciones Internacionales.  Autor de numerosas obras sobre asuntos internacionales, en paticular sobre aspectos relacionados con el derecho del mar, el Sistema Interamericano, y otros.