Chile y la República Popular China : 1970 - 1990


  • Javier Eduardo Matta


This paper examines the relations between the People's Republic of China and Chile between 1970 and 1990. In the first place, the motivations that led both countries to initiate contacts in the internal and international framework in which they were made are established, as well as the subsequent reactions that occurred. Some elements of relations with China during the Popular Unity government and later with the military government are briefly mentioned. At the same time, the main milestones presented by these bilateral relations are studied, emphasizing the political and economic levels. Antarctic cooperation, business contacts and commercial exchange are especially covered. Finally, among the conclusions, flexibility and pragmatism stand out, as permanent characteristics observed in the relations between the two countries.


People's Republic of China, Chile, Foreign Policy, Diplomatic Relations, International Economic Relations

Author Biography

Javier Eduardo Matta

Profesor de historia y geografía.  Candidato a magister en estudios internacionales del Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Chile.