Perspectivas de la integración político-económica continental : la integración de las democracias pobres : oportunidades y peligros


  • Dante M. Caputo
  • Jorge Federico Sábato


This paper highlights three events that have marked Latin America in recent times: the end of the Cold War, the end of the principle of continental security as the axis of United States policies towards the region, and the emergence of poor democracies. This new reality constitutes the basis for analyzing integration processes, ties with the world, and relations between the United States and Latin America. If in the eighties the Latin American nations were disconnected from each other, gradually the new democracies moved towards integration. When analyzing the relations between Latin America and Europe, the need to follow the European example, where economic measures are guaranteed by political agreements, is noticed. To implement the proposals of a large continental market, the consensus of Latin American societies must be counted on, and economic measures must be legitimized by them.


Latin America, Political-Economic Integration, Poor Democracies, Inter-American Relations, Common Market

Author Biographies

Dante M. Caputo

Destacado cientista social argentino. Ex canciller de la República Argentina durante el gobierno de Raúl Alfonsín. Actual diputado del Congreso Nacional.

Jorge Federico Sábato

Cientista político argentino. Ha escrito extensamente sobre problemas del desarrollo social y tecnológico de los países latinoamericanos. Fue viceministro de relaciones exteriores de su país durante el gobierno de Raúl Alfonsín; posteriormente fue ministro de educación.