La ASEAN ante el emergente orden mundial : reordenamiento regional y diplomacia colectiva en el Pacífico


  • Hernán Gutiérrez B. Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile


The profound political and economic changes in the Asia-Pacific region have influenced ASEAN's foreign policy. To understand this, in the present work a characterization of this association is carried out, mentioning its objectives, mechanisms and functioning over time. In addition, its institutional evolution is explained, mentioning its different stages. To assess the future of ASEAN, important aspects of the socio-political structure of its member countries and the characteristics of the development model are highlighted, pointing out its typical features and the central role played by the State. The impact of Japan on the regional economic order and the importance of the intensity of economic relations with North America are also analyzed. In the geostrategic sphere, it emphasizes the fluidity of the regional security system and the fears that the North American presence will diminish, in a scenario determined by the intensification of subregional conflicts.


Asia Pacific, ASEAN, Foreign Policy, Collective Diplomacy, Japan

Author Biography

Hernán Gutiérrez B., Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile

Doctor en ciencias políticas (c), Universidad de Georgetown y doctor en Economía, Universidad de París III, La Sorbonne Nouvelle.  Profesor del Instituto de Estudios Internacionales e investigador asociado de FLACSO, Chile.